Split Tee with/without Guide Bar
Namdaran Petrogas Industries provides the 6“-56” Split Tee with guide bar. Keeping the line pig gable, the guide bar blocks the tapped hole. Natural gas transmission and distribution companies need to make new connections to pipe line many times a year to expand or modify their existing system using split tee without shutting down operation of system. The Split Tee is an extruded or welded type. The fitting is furnished with a flange that is pressure rated to match ASME standard flanges. It is used with hot tapping and/or plugging machines to tap and temporarily plug the line for maintenance, without shutdown.
Types of Heat Exchangers
Design: ANSI / ASME B 31.8
Fabrication: ASME Sec. VIII
Welding: ASME Sec. IX
Size: From 6” up to 56”
Pressure rating: class 150 to 2500